Calvert City Golf and Country Club
Ladies Golf Association
Ladies Weekly 18-Hole League Play
18-Hole Game available every week: Thursday-Wednesday
Ladies can play anytime during the week with any group with at least 1 other LGA Member.
Open to MEMBERS only at Calvert City Golf & CC
One-time $10 Fee to Join Ladies Association for the Year
Weekly game is $10 — Payouts in CASH
Thursday morning tee times available at 9am each week for ladies wanting to play together.
Handicap required to play– please set up in golf shop.
Weekly Schedule of games will be posted in ladies locker room with new game each week.
Thursday is the Day where each weekly event will begin.
Results posted on Thursday morning to be announced at Ladies Thursday Morning Play
Ladies Weekly 9-Hole League
9-Holes Every Wednesday Evening at 5:30pm
Each Wednesday Evening is $8 for games and prizes.
Format is a 4-person Scramble OR 2-person Scramble if numbers are lower.
Players split into ABCD teams by the golf shop.
Non-Members pay discounted green fee of $5 to play.